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Dear Working Mom,
With all you have going on, how can you achieve your goals? Well, you can start by investing in yourself. If I told you a $20 investment could yield a return of $1000, would you take the risk? What if spending $100 today would net you $10,000 in a few years? Would you be willing to spend $500 if you knew the future payoff could be $500,000?
I’m not talking about stock market investments or even playing the lottery. My question for you is – Are you investing in yourself? What steps have you taken to ensure personal growth? Do you regularly read books? Have you attended any workshops, seminars, or conferences lately? Do you know your purpose in life? Are you living life with passion?
You can achieve any goal if you’re willing to take a risk – on you. While nice things make you happy for a time, they usually lose value and end up being replaced by something equally or more expensive. I’m challenging you to invest in the one thing you can be sure of – yourself! Following these three simple steps, will help you achieve any goal you set.
The first step is to write your goals down on paper. It is important to make your vision visible. If you have a goal, you can’t just sit around and expect it to accomplish itself. You need to develop a plan for how you will accomplish it. Writing your goals and posting them where you can see them frequently is a great form of inspiration and accountability. When I began writing my first book, I wrote out a plan including how many pages I wanted to write each day. I posted the paper on my refrigerator as a reminder to work on my goals each day. Each time I opened the refrigerator, I saw my goals. It not only kept me accountable, but it was motivation to keep going when I didn’t feel like writing. I couldn’t ignore my goals because they were staring me in the face. In recent years, vision boards have become very popular, and for good reason. I always post my vision board in my bedroom to help me stay focused on my current goals. When I look over my past vision boards, most of the goals have been accomplished. Writing your goals and making them visible is a great way to stay focused.
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The second step is to become a lifelong learner. Whether you have worked in an industry for years or you are new to the game, there is always something to learn. The top leaders in any field will tell you they read books, attend workshops, take eCourses, and listen to podcasts. If you want to accomplish your goal, you must be willing to learn from others who are doing what you want to do. Over ten years ago, I attended a workshop, Fiction Writing for Lawyers. It cost me $500, which was and still is, quite a bit of money. It was one of the best investments I ever made because it challenged me to write for publication. To date, I have written four books, and I’m still using some of the techniques I learned in the workshop. Likewise, I continue to attend conferences and learn from other writers. Whether it is reading a book for personal development, attending a workshop, or listening to a podcast, you should consistently seek opportunities to help you move to the next level.
The third step is to commit to your goal. I can’t tell you how many people have asked me about writing a book. However, when I see those same people a year later, they’re still talking about wanting to write without having taken any action. In those cases, there is no real commitment. No matter what your goal is, it will cost you. You will likely have to sacrifice time and money to achieve your goal. Years ago, I was interested in joining the FBI. As part of the application, I was required to pass a physical fitness test, which included completing a timed, one-and-a-half-mile run. To prepare for the test, I ran five to six days a week. I ran whether it was hot, cold, or raining. I even ran on Christmas morning while the rest of my family was asleep! For several weeks, I committed to running at 4:00 a.m. prior to going to work. While I ultimately decided not to join the FBI, I did pass the physical fitness test. I’m sure I would not have been able to pass without being committed. There will always be distractions or reasons for you not to stay committed to your goal. However, if you want to achieve your goals, you must be willing to sacrifice and refuse to give up.
Whether you realize it or not, you are going to invest your time and money in something. Choose to be intentional and invest in what matters most. Will it cost you? Most certainly. But, believe me, you are worth it! As successful investor, Warren Buffet said, “The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”
Awesome Tips Asiah! Definitely great thoughts on how to invest in myself.
Thanks Neca! You can easily apply them as you set goals for the new year.