Hey Mom,
I’m Asiah…the Self-Centered Mom! As a married, busy, working mom of two boys, I’m also a blogger, author, speaker, and teacher.
While wearing the many hats of being a woman, I realized I care for a lot of people.
But, caring for myself barely made the list.
Like most moms, I’d made a habit of putting everyone else’s needs first.
The problem – it wasn’t working for me!
I was frustrated, overwhelmed, and burned out!
Something had to change because when Mama ain’t happy…no one’s happy!
So, I asked myself – What do you really need?
The answer – TIME!
I needed time to myself and time for myself.
I needed time to do things that nurtured my health and my spirit.
I needed time to feel like a woman and not simply someone’s wife, mom, or instructor.
And, from that…Self-Centered Mom was born!
Self-Centered Mom is about encouraging you to focus on your needs and empowering you not to forget who you are as a woman.
Being a mom is AMAZING! Just remember…you were a pretty, amazing woman before getting the mom title, too!
And, if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of anyone else.
I’m determined to live my best life in balance. And, I want you to do the same!
Each day, I’m learning to be intentional, create boundaries, ask for what I need and want, run after my dreams, and take time to enjoy the journey.
I started this blog to share my experiences and help you do the same.
If you’re interested in finding time for health and fitness, practicing self-care, reducing stress, and learning how to balance family and work, check out some of my articles and DOWNLOAD SOME AWESOME FREE PRINTABLES!
I look forward to taking this journey with you!