How to stay fit as a busy mom and maintain a healthy work-life balance
Health & Wellness

Stay Fit As a Busy Mom: 6 Positive Reasons to Do It

How to stay fit as a busy mom and maintain a healthy work-life balance

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You can stay fit as a busy mom if you understand why it’s important. Making fitness a priority doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym every day. And, you might be surprised by all the quick benefits you get from taking care of yourself, working out, and eating well. Here are 6 positive reasons to stay fit as a busy mom:

Reduce Stress

As a working mom, you probably have a lot of different people pulling on you throughout the day. Trying to maintain a healthy work-life balance is not easy. Because I have to coordinate my work calendar with my family schedule and my personal calendar, my mind is always running. To keep my stress level at a minimum, I make exercising a priority. Although I don’t have a lot of time to spend at the gym, I make time for exercise throughout the week.

There are a variety of ways you can stay fit as a busy mom and make small adjustments to your schedule. I enjoy distance running, but I don’t have a lot of time for it. So, I usually plan for it on the weekend. Throughout the week, I often use the time in between leaving work and picking up my kids to get a quick workout. While it may only be 30 minutes, it’s definitely worth it. Once I start sweating, I forget about the demands of my job. I’m usually so focused on the workout, it gives my mind a chance to relax.

Attending to your mental and emotional health is also a part of staying fit. Because I enjoy writing, I like to journal my thoughts. It helps me to purge my worries, confront my fears, and identify my goals. It’s also a great way for me to have a real conversation with myself because there are just some things you will write on paper that you might not ever say aloud. Journaling can also help you gain clarity and put issues in perspective. As a busy mom, it’s necessary to pay attention to how well you are managing your stress and try different ways to reduce it.

Manage Your Mood

Whether it’s a brisk walk, a run on the treadmill, or some strength-training (lifting weights), exercising can help shift your mood in a positive way. When you exercise, you release hormones called endorphins that give you a feeling of euphoria or a “feel good high.” For me, it’s like an overwhelming sense of peace and clarity.

For every busy mom, patience is a virtue because we’re always pressed for time. There’s always something that needs to be done and someone looking for you to do it. The pressure of momming can feel overwhelming if you don’t have a system in place to manage it.

You can learn to manage your mood by scheduling workout sessions that help you to burn off negative energy. It’s one of the reasons I choose to workout between the time I leave work and pick up my kids. I don’t want to carry the stress of my job home or become frustrated with my family because I’m in a bad mood. Making time to exercise before I get to my kids helps me to release whatever might have been bothering me before I get to them.

You can also manage your mood with quiet time. Some people use meditation and breathing exercises. Simply sitting in silence for a few minutes can work wonders for you. During my lunch break, I will often set my timer for 15 minutes, close my eyes, and just enjoy the quiet. Without fail, I feel much more calm and relaxed. It’s a great way to keep a positive mindset and stay in a place of peace.

Lose Weight

I don’t know where you are on your postpartum journey. But, what mom wouldn’t like to lose a few pounds? If you make exercise part of your regular routine, you can definitely lose weight. But, you also need to eat well.

For most busy moms, grocery shopping and making dinner are time consuming. When life gets busy, it’s easy to order takeout or opt for the less healthy, easier food option. However, if you want to stay fit as a busy mom, it’s important to think about your food choices and monitor what you eat. I’m not a fan of diets because I believe in sustainability. I know I’m not going to give up sweets or carbs forever. So, I try to eat what I want in moderation. I believe in the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time, I try to eat healthy and get as many veggies and greens in as possible. The other 20% of the time, I eat what I want. But, because I eat healthy most of the time, I usually don’t want a lot of junk for too long.

You’re not being vain because you want to look good in your clothes. If you look and feel good as a mom, it’s a win for everyone. Losing weight is not about being skinny. When it it comes to being fit, losing weight is about being healthy and living your best life.

Stay fit and healthy as a busy mom. 10 tips to help you with self-care

Stay Healthy

Exercising and eating well will ultimately lead to better health. As a mom, you gain weight during pregnancy. After you have the baby, you’re busy trying to adjust to your new phase of life. It can be a challenge to find time for exercise or eating healthy.

However, you can start by making small adjustments to your daily routine. As a working mom, I’m usually running out of the house in the morning. So, I don’t have time to make a gourmet breakfast. Instead, I prep my green shakes on the weekend and all I have to do is blend the night before. All you need is your blender, a Ninja, or a Nutri-Bullet. Two other easy to make, grab and go breakfast meals are egg muffins and overnight oatmeal. I also take my lunch to work. It’s usually dinner leftovers which I pack the night before. By taking the time to prep my food choices, I always have something healthy to eat. Then, in the morning, I just grab and go.

To stay fit as a busy mom, I also make sure I keep moving. While cardio is good for your heart, strength-training is good for your muscles. By exercising regularly, you decrease your chance of getting diabetes, high blood pressure, and other illnesses. You can walk five miles each day by just walking 10,000 steps! It’s not hard to do by the time you work all day and run around taking care of your family. My goal is to get 11, 500 steps daily, but I usually average around 15,000 steps. Some days, I even get up to 22,000!

You should set a daily goal for the number of steps you want to reach each day. If you see you can do more, increase your goal. I strongly encourage you to invest in a fitness tracker because I wear mine every day, all day. It even reminds me to move my body when I’ve been stationary for too long. The key is to be proactive and make your health a priority the same as you would for your family.

Lead By Example

Remember when parents said – “Do as I say, not as I do!” Those days are long gone. Kids today are too smart to follow that logic. They will call you out for not following your own rules – within reason. You don’t need a curfew and you’re certainly old enough to enjoy a glass of wine. But, shouldn’t you eat your vegetables, too?

Undoubtedly, you spend most of your time making sure your family’s needs are met. You go out of your way to ensure they eat well, stay active and involved, and get enough rest to be productive the next day. Shouldn’t the same apply to you?

You need to stay fit as a busy mom to set the tone for your household. If you’re making positive food choices, it will only trickle down to your kids. I can get my kids to eat almost anything because they always want what I’m eating. My kids love green shakes and I rarely have trouble getting them to eat vegetables because it’s the norm. No one complains when I suggest an evening walk because we stay active as a family.

When your kids see you making time for exercise, you’re sending the message that taking care of your health is important – because it is! You are creating a blueprint for your kids when you set the example regarding the importance of staying fit.

Make Yourself a Priority

As a working mom, finding a healthy work-life balance is a never-ending process. There’s always a ton of tasks on the to-do list and never enough hours to complete it. By day’s end, I’m usually exhausted! However, I’ve learned that if I don’t make myself a priority – no one else is going to do it. It doesn’t mean my family doesn’t love me. It just means I have to be intentional about my self-care.

When you’re a busy mom, you have to put your needs on the to-do list and make sure you get to them. If you want to exercise more regularly, look at your daily routine and find time to do it. You might have to postpone something you had planned for your kids. They will survive!

If you’re like me, you probably look for opportunities to make your kid smile. Whether it’s a playdate on Friday at McDonald’s, enrolling him in soccer, or giving Cub Scouts a try, I make great sacrifices to make sure my kids are happy, well-rounded, and exposed to great opportunities. Likewise, I have to do the same for myself.

Going to the spa, meeting up with my girlfriends, or having a night out with my man is essential to my mental well-being and fitness. Sometimes you need a break from being mommy and need to be reminded you were a woman before you became a mom. She’s still in there and you shouldn’t neglect her. Taking some time to relax, laugh, and connect with people important to you is great for your health and overall fitness.

Staying physically fit and emotionally healthy is just as important for you as it is for your family. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of anyone else. It’s an absolute sacrifice and something will have to wait – dishes, laundry, meals, playdates, or quality time with hubby. But, you’re worth it and your family will be better for it. As a busy mom, don’t get so busy that you forget to make your self-care a priority. It’s okay to be self-centered, Mom!

How to stay fit as a busy mom and maintain a healthy work-life balance

Disclaimer: You should consult your physician or another health care professional before starting any fitness routine or making changes in your diet. I am not a doctor or medical expert.  I am simply sharing my personal experience and knowledge as a mom.  Any health, fitness, or nutritional information offered is designed for educational purposes only.  Do not rely on this information as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While exercising, if you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath, you should stop exercising immediately and seek professional medical assistance.


Asiah is a married, working mom with two kids and a dog. She has a professional background in law and education. Asiah is also an inspirational speaker and author of four books. Her interests include fitness, travel, and true crime stories.

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