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It’s hard to find time to exercise as a busy mom! I know because I’m a busy mom. Whether you’re trying to lose the baby weight, or you want to stay fit, exercise is important to your physical and mental health. While your time may be limited, there are some simple exercise tips that won’t make your life more difficult.
Schedule Your Workout
It’s tough to find time to workout when your schedule is packed with everything else! As a mom of two boys, there is so much to coordinate with school schedules, doctor appointments, play dates, and birthday parties. Being booked and busy just comes with the job! One simple way to find time to exercise as a busy mom is to schedule your workout with the other appointments. If your son is playing soccer, add on an extra 30 minutes to give yourself time to walk around the park. If you have an elliptical machine or treadmill, hop on while you put dinner in the oven.
Think ahead and set a specific amount of time you plan to workout. You can find time to exercise, but you have to make yourself a priority. If you want to exercise as a busy mom, you must be willing to add yourself to the calendar and stick to it like any other appointment.
Make Gradual Changes
If you haven’t exercised in years, you probably don’t want to start with a marathon. It’s possible to find time to workout if you start with gradual changes to your daily or weekly routine. You’ll be surprised where you can find time to exercise once you start looking.
If you have stairs in your office building, try taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Or, if being outdoors is more appealing, try adding a 20-30 minute walk or jog to your evening. You can gradually add on time each week after it becomes part of your routine.
I usually have about an hour between the time I leave work and the time I need to pick up the kiddos. I use that time to workout or do something for myself. Even if it’s only 30 minutes, I consider it an achievement because my time is limited. Wherever you find time, make sure you do so gradually so you’ll stick with it.
Exercise Early or Late
Okay…hear me out! I know the idea of getting up earlier to do anything is pretty insane. Working a full-time job, with a husband, a toddler, a seven-year old, and a dog – I get it! But, it’s not impossible. As a busy mom, early morning or late night is usually the only time I have to myself. If you want to get in a workout, you can get up just 30 minutes earlier once or twice a week.
Depending on your schedule, a late workout might also work for you. I have to be at work by 7:00 a.m., so it’s really challenging for me to get the early workout. But, I try once a week. When I can, I do a late evening workout using my exercise videos after the homework and right before dinner. These exercise tips will work, but you have to be intentional with your time.
Exercise Throughout the Day
Ideally, you want to be able to do your workout, get a shower, and be done. But, as a busy mom, your schedule may not allow it. You may have to find time to exercise incrementally throughout the day. I wear a fitness tracker because I like tracking my steps. It not only keeps me informed on how much I’m moving throughout the day (which is a lot!), but it’s a reminder to move. Even if I am not able to get a structured workout in, I feel good if I know I’ve met or exceeded my steps for the day.
If you can’t get to the gym or you don’t have 30-45 minutes straight, you can break up your exercise. If you walk the dog in the morning or evening, go a little farther for some extra steps. Split your exercise up into increments of 5 minute walks up and down your stairs, jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, or dancing throughout the day. Once or twice a week, use part of your lunch break to walk the perimeter of your office building or do the stairs. Start paying attention to how you move throughout your day to get the workout you’ve been missing.
Use Your Support System
One of the best ways to find time to exercise as a busy mom or working mom is to use your support system. We don’t have family living nearby, but my husband understands how important it is for me to exercise, not simply for my physical health, but also my mental health. So, we negotiate time and trade off taking care of the kids while one of us hits the gym or gets a workout.
If you want the time, you may just have to ask for it. If you needed to go to the grocery store, to a hair appointment, or the doctor’s office, you would not feel bad about taking the time. You can do the same when it comes to exercise. You just have to plan for it. Whether it’s your spouse, the grandparents, or a trusted friend, don’t be afraid to lean on your support system to do something good for yourself.
Get Creative With Your Workout
Sometimes, going to the gym just isn’t an option. While I actually prefer to workout outside, depending on the weather, that can be a bust. So, I get creative with my workouts. Each day, I set a goal to get 11,500 steps. But, most days I get between 15,000 – 20,000! I’m a busy Mama!
You can set a goal to get 10,000 steps a day and make it fun by doing a challenge with your co-workers. If you like to dance, checkout Shaun T’s Rockin’ Body Dance video. Sometimes, having an accountability partner helps you stay on track and makes working out more enjoyable. You can get a couple of your girlfriends together and workout while having fun. Or, you can get some colleagues together and do a challenge. When it comes to getting exercise in, there are no rules.
Workout with Your Kids
Depending on the age of your kid, you can make exercise a family affair. Without fail, as soon as I put in a workout video, my seven-year old, my 15-month old, and the dog all make their way to me. Instead of getting frustrated, I’ve learned to use it to my advantage. I get them involved in the workout, even if it means I don’t get to follow the routine verbatim. As long as I keep moving, that’s all that matters. Plus, it’s fun for the kids, who truthfully, get bored after a few minutes, and usually move on to something else.
It’s easy to get discouraged and give up on exercising. But, I try to stay committed and keep an open mind. My youngest weighs over 20 lbs. and lifting him a few times is pretty good strength training for my arms. Even when we walk to the park, it’s a mile round trip. While my hubby watches the kids play at the playground, I do a couple of laps around the park.
Finding time to exercise as a busy mom isn’t impossible. You may have to get creative and understand that your workout routine and schedule may not look like anyone else’s. The important thing is that your workout works for you!

Disclaimer: You should consult your physician or another health care professional before starting any fitness routine or making changes in your diet. I am not a doctor or medical expert. I am simply sharing my personal experience and knowledge as a mom. Any health, fitness, or nutritional information offered is designed for educational purposes only. Do not rely on this information as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While exercising, if you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath, you should stop exercising immediately and seek professional medical assistance.