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Who doesn’t want to increase your milk supply? As a breastfeeding mom, you know breast milk is liquid gold. You can never produce enough breast milk, especially as your little one gets older. If you want to increase your milk supply, there are some easy tips to help you do so in a short amount of time.
1 – Drink plenty water
If you want to increase your milk supply, staying hydrated is extremely important. You have to consider that you burn calories when you breastfeed and pump. Experts say that for every ounce you pump, you burn around 20 calories. So, if you feed for 20 minutes or pump four ounces on each breast, that could be 160 calories spent! Depending on your weight, that is the equivalent of a 20-minute high intensity workout. And, if you were doing a high intensity workout routine, you would definitely try to stay hydrated.
For the same reasons, it’s important to stay hydrated when breastfeeding and pumping. You need to replenish the water your body loses from those calories. If you want to increase your milk supply, try drinking as much water as possible, and limiting your caffeine and alcohol intake. You can even start your day by drinking water.
2 – Sleep
I know it’s ridiculous to think about getting sleep when you’re the mom of an infant or a mom – period! But, getting more sleep will help increase your milk supply. I’ve had to leave town several times while breastfeeding my infant son. Each time, my milk supply tripled because I was able to sleep without interruption. I have literally had to change bottles three times while pumping to keep up with my supply. That’s almost 30 ounces in one 20-minute pumping session!
f you’re trying to increase your milk supply, talk to your spouse or support system about giving you some time to sleep without interruption. You’d be surprised how much a four hour stretch of sleep can help you. Your body will repay you with an increase in your milk supply which always makes a breastfeeding mom happy. If you have more milk than you need for the baby’s daily intake, you can freeze the surplus for unexpected slow days or emergencies. Check out Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags for safe freezing.
3 – Pump more to produce more
Not all breastfeeding moms pump. However, I pumped from the beginning because I knew I would eventually have to go back to work. The more you pump, the more you produce because breast milk is produced based on a supply and demand principle. When you empty your breasts, it sends signals to your body to produce more milk.  I would suggest using an electric double pump, such as Ameda Finesse or Medela Pump In Style. It will help you to pump more milk at a faster rate.
If you want to increase your milk supply, you should also create a pumping schedule. While I was home with my baby, I was less consistent with pumping and nursing. The closer it came to me returning to work, the more consistent I was because I knew I needed to increase my milk supply. So, I pumped first thing in the morning. Then, I pumped around noon. And, I pumped once before going to bed. When I pumped three times a day, I was able to freeze milk because I was producing more.
4 – Keep nursing
Even if you are pumping, it’s important for you to keep nursing, if possible. There is a difference in how the milk is released from nursing and pumping. Keep in mind, breastfeeding is the natural method and your body will respond differently when your baby is actually nursing than when you pump. As a result, if you can continue to nurse while pumping, you should be able to increase your supply.
When you consider your schedule, think about the ideal times for nursing. Once I returned to work, I was primarily giving my baby expressed milk. However, I would nurse in the evening and at night as a way to bond, increase my milk supply, and reserve the expressed milk for when I was at work.  As you’re nursing and pumping, you can expect your nipples to get sore. I used Lansinoh Lanolin Nipple Cream to help repair sore and cracked nipples. It only takes a pea size amount to work, and it’s safe for baby!
5 – Eat well and regularly
As a busy mom, sometimes it can be a challenge to eat well or even eat at all! But, when you’re breastfeeding, you have to remember to eat well and regularly if you want to increase your milk supply. When my supply is down, I think about what I did in the hours prior and it’s usually the result of not eating, not drinking enough water, or not getting enough rest. You need to eat at least three healthy meals a day to keep your milk supply consistent. For breakfast, you can make items that are easy to grab and eat on the go. I bake egg muffins and prepare green shakes at the start of the week. It helps me to ensure I start the day healthy and keeps me from skipping breakfast. You can also take your lunch to work to ensure you don’t skip lunch when your day gets busy. Eating well takes preparation, but you will be glad you did and you will definitely see the impact it has on your milk supply.
6 – Relax
Oh, yes! Stress can affect your milk supply. If you want to increase your milk supply, make sure you find a positive way to deal with stress. Simply taking an evening walk or a bubble bath can help you to relax. For some moms, breastfeeding is a tremendous challenge. It can be overwhelming when the baby won’t properly latch or if you feel like you can’t produce enough milk to support the needs of your baby. The best thing you can do for you and your baby is RELAX. It really will be okay. I was able to breastfeed both of my kids and had very different experiences with each. However, I decided early on I would not get stressed or overwhelmed if things didn’t go as planned.
Give yourself a break. You are trying to do something great for your baby. It’s an amazing bonding experience. But, it’s not a disaster if you need to supplement with formula.  Trust me, your baby will thrive and survive! There were times when I was overly-tired and my supply decreased. Rather than stress myself out, I used Similac and Enfamil to supplement the breastmilk until my supply increased. With my second son, I had thrush a couple of weeks after leaving the hospital and couldn’t nurse because it was too painful. Just know there will be challenges and you can make it through if you just relax.
7 – Use Lactation Supplements
As a busy mom, you can’t avoid being tired and sometimes, the milk just ain’t coming out! Fortunately, there are healthy ways you can increase your milk supply through your diet and supplements. You should always check with your doctor prior to taking supplements or changing your diet, especially if you’re breastfeeding. However, some studies show that oatmeal and flaxseed help to increase milk production. You can easily add both to smoothies. Additionally, fenugreek is said to help with milk production. I like Mother’s Milk Organic Tea, which contains fenugreek. When my supply was down, I drank Mother’s Milk and had great success. It’s an herbal tea that tastes like licorice. Additionally, I used Milkmakers Lactation Cookies which contained oatmeal and chocolate chips and saw a great increase in my supply. Whatever you choose, do what works best for you to increase your milk supply.
It’s not always easy to breastfeed and take care of everything else you have to do. If you can increase your milk supply, that’s one less thing you’ll have to worry about. Use these tips to stay encouraged and continue to live your best life in balance.
Disclaimer: You should consult your physician or another health care professional before starting any fitness routine or making changes in your diet. Any health, fitness, or nutritional information offered is designed for educational purposes only. Do not rely on this information as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While exercising, if you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath, you should stop exercising immediately and seek professional medical assistance.