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How do you stay balanced as a busy mom? There usually aren’t enough hours in the day and rarely enough of you to go around.
There’s no one way to staying balanced as a busy mom. But, you can take simple steps to achieve a healthy work-life balance.
1 – Prioritize
As a working mom, you can confuse what must be done with what you want to get done. To help me stay balanced, I make a list of the top three things I must do for the day.
Then, I tackle the one I’m least looking forward to completing. This strategy for prioritizing is outlined in Brian Tracy’s book, Eat That Frog! If you want to stay balanced, you must be realistic about what you can do and prioritize your day.
If you’re currently working from home (like me!), having a healthy work-life balance is more important than ever. Sometimes, the things that seem urgent really aren’t.
For example, I have two laundry baskets of clean clothes waiting to be folded. But, I also have more important tasks on my list that need to be done before folding those clothes.
I will eventually get to the laundry baskets, but it won’t be today! By prioritizing your tasks, you save yourself undue stress by focusing on what’s most important.
2 – Be Grateful
Having an attitude of gratitude is a great way to stay balanced as a busy mom. It’s tough to manage work deadlines, homework assignments, doctor appointments, soccer practice, and the grocery list.
Additionally, when you’re going through difficult times, you take on added pressure. Whether you’re out of work or facing a lot of uncertainty, it would do you good to focus on the positives in your life.
When you’re a busy mom, it’s easy to focus on what you need to do and what hasn’t been done. If you’re not careful, you can wind up complaining and feeling negative.
Sometimes, you need to take a moment to stop and be grateful.
Remembering what you have and the important people in your life is a great way to stay balanced. You can start by making a list of all the positives in your life. When you’re feeling negative, take out the list to help shift your perspective.
3 – Smile
If you want to stay balanced, don’t underestimate the power of a smile. It costs nothing and it can be an instant mood changer.
I try to smile as much as possible because it makes me feel better and often leads to laughter. And, laughter is just good for the soul. When I wake up, I know I’m winning because someone else didn’t wake up that morning.
If you watch the news, you’re bound to find a ton of reasons to complain, think the worst, or even feel down. So, limit your content!
I try to focus on the positive and not to sweat the small stuff. I don’t worry about the things I can’t control. Instead, I focus on what I can control – my attitude and how I respond to the world around me.
You can stay positive in any situation. Check out my article! Putting on a smile is just a simple way to remind yourself to continue to live your best life in balance.
4 – Rest
You’re a busy mom with a lot to do. But, rest is essential if you want to stay balanced.
I have a full-time job outside of the home (inside for now!), a blog, two kids, a husband, and a dog! When I don’t get proper rest, I’m cranky, prone to sickness, and no good to anyone.
It’s not a badge of honor to work, work, work, and never rest. In fact, it’s dangerous. You don’t want to wait until your body demands the rest. Instead, be proactive and incorporate rest into your routine.
Do yourself a favor and unplug! Lately, I’ve spent more time on my computer than ever. However, I know when my body has had enough. When I find myself staring aimlessly at the screen, I know it’s time to unplug.
Having a healthy work-life balance includes taking time to renew, refresh, and re-energize. And, when the boundaries of work and home are blurred, you need to make finding time to rest a main priority.
Each week, you should have at least one day where you take time to rest and nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Whether you make it a family day, a sleep-in and lounge day, or a (modified at-home) spa day, you need rest to stay balanced.
5 – Pamper Yourself
As a working mom, you cater to your family and what they need. But, how often do you cater to yourself?
Sometimes, you need to pamper yourself to stay balanced and centered. Doing something for yourself can be rewarding and exactly what you need to help you make it through the day, week, or month.
I look for ways to make my son and husband feel special and celebrated. Sometimes, I need to do the same for myself. Whether it’s going to get a massage or simply giving yourself a facial or pedicure, take the time to give yourself some special attention.
There are a lot of simple ways to pamper yourself at home. Paint your toenails. Have a cup of your favorite tea / glass of wine in silence. One of my favorite ways is to take a bubble bath with aromatherapy candles.
Do I threaten or bribe my kids to leave me alone? Yes – and, it’s well worth it!
You don’t always have to travel or spend money to practice self-care. Sometimes, it’s the simple things that help you stay balanced.
6 – Self-Reflect
Keeping a journal your thoughts is a great way to engage in self-reflection. Journaling helps you to process your thoughts and emotions. It’s also an easy way to keep list of your goals and accomplishments.
Reflecting on your progress is a great way to stay balanced and assess changes in your life. There are some things you will write on paper that you won’t say out loud.
If you’re going through a challenging time or if you’re in a period of transition, writing your feelings down might help you gain some clarity.
When I go back and review journal entries from previous years, I can see a lot of growth. However, it’s also a great reminder that I’ve made it through difficult situations before.
Maybe you don’t want to discuss how you’re feeling with your spouse? Maybe you’re not sure how you feel?
Taking the time to deal with your honest, raw emotions is a great strategy to help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.
7 – Exercise
Your physical and mental health are an essential part of staying balanced. Exercise as a way to reduce stress and increase your energy level.
As a busy mom, you might not think you have time to workout. Or, you may think you can only get a good workout at the gym.
However, you don’t need a gym or a lot of time to exercise. You just need to be creative and have a positive attitude.
You can exercise by making simple adjustments to your daily routine. Just adding a 20-30 minute daily walk or taking the stairs can boost your mood, energy level, and overall health. You can also make sure you get a minimum of 10,000 steps a day with a fitness tracker.
For me, exercise is vital. It is my go-to stress-reliever. When I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, I exercise to feel better.
If you’re not sure where to begin, checkout my 5-minute workout for busy moms. It will help jump start your exercise routine.
8 – Read
Reading is another great way to stay balanced because it can help slow things down. Whether it’s for enjoyment or personal growth, reading can be a great stress reliever.
When I read for leisure, I enjoy crime thrillers or dramas because they provide a great escape from reality. And, who doesn’t need an escape?
However, I also read for personal growth. Some of the best books I’ve read to help you stay balanced are The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, and I Dare You by Joyce Meyer.
As a working mom, you need an outlet to help you de-stress from all the different hats you wear. Picking up a good book may help you rekindle an old hobby.
I have to read a lot for my job and with my kids. So, when I take time to read a book for myself, it’s a real treat!
Whether it’s a gossip magazine, a self-help book, or a juicy novel, reading is a good way to maintain balance.
9 – Embrace Imperfections
We all have something we’d like to change about our appearance or personality. It could be your thighs or your nose. Maybe you’d like to be more outspoken or less sensitive.
Whatever the case, embracing your imperfections is a great way to stay balanced. If you focus on everything you don’t like about yourself, you’re not going to feel great about yourself.
Having a negative self-image will impact your confidence and feelings of self-worth. So, focus on what you love about yourself and work on the rest.
I used to get teased about my lips. And, now people pay to get fillers to look like me! If you don’t like your thighs, make your way to the stairs or start doing squats.
But, if you’re not going to do the squats, find clothing that doesn’t highlight your thighs.
If you want to be more outspoken, try speaking up more with your friends and family. Or, embrace the fact that you like to observe what’s going on rather than be the center of it all.
When it comes to parenting, don’t be too hard on yourself. If you make a mistake, own it and move on.
To help you stay balanced, just remember, no one has it together. We are all imperfectly perfect at doing the best we can do.
10 – Take a Day Off
Taking a personal day for yourself is probably the most important way to stay balanced. As a working mom, you really have two full-time jobs, if not more.
There’s the job you do that pays the bills. And, then there’s being a mom. Too often, the jobs overlap and it’s hard to find personal time for yourself.
However, if you don’t take a day voluntarily, your body will eventually force you to do it.
Wouldn’t you rather take a day to enjoy it rather than having to take off because you’re sick? If you have personal time, schedule a day off to do whatever makes you happy.
You’ll be surprised at how renewed and refreshed a day of personal enjoyment can make you feel. If you’re concerned about losing the time – ask yourself, In six months, will it matter that I took the day off?
If you’re currently working from home, you may not need to use your personal days. But, you should set clear boundaries.
Spend a Saturday in your pajamas binge-watching your favorite show. Let the kids eat whatever is in the house and don’t worry about!
Put something fun on the calendar – happy-hour with friends (virtual, if necessary), watching your favorite movie, or family game night!
You can maintain a healthy work-life balance by making some simple changes to your daily routine.
To stay balanced as a busy mom, make yourself a priority and continue to live your best life in balance!

Disclaimer: You should consult your physician or another health care professional before starting any fitness routine or making changes in your diet. Any health, fitness, or nutritional information offered is designed for educational purposes only. Do not rely on this information as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While exercising, if you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath, you should stop exercising immediately and seek professional medical assistance.