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The perfect morning routine for working moms is simple. Since I’ve never been a morning person, creating this morning routine changed everything for me. While it involves six steps, it really is one concept – start your day on a positive note! When you start your day up, it’s much harder to get you down.
1 – Start moving. I would love to get a workout first thing in the morning, but it’s rare that my schedule will allow it. If you can exercise first thing in the morning, do it! You know, I’m all about getting at least 10,000 steps a day. The earlier you start moving, the more steps you take. It’s an amazing way to start your day and your mind and body will thank you for it. But, if you can’t squeeze in a workout, try adding stretching exercises to your morning routine. Stretching is a great way to get your blood flowing and your brain going. And, it can be done in just a few minutes.
2 – Listen to an inspirational message. I try not to listen to the news in the morning because it’s usually not positive. As part of my morning routine, I listen to Bible teacher, Joyce Meyer while I’m getting ready for work. It’s a 30-minute television message I let play while I’m getting dressed. I also DVR it so I always have a message ready. You can do the same with podcasts or videos on YouTube. I also have inspirational messages downloaded on my phone. Whether you’re getting dressed or in the car, listening to an inspirational message as part of your morning routine helps set the tone for your day.
3 – Recite positive affirmations. To help me stay focused, I wrote my favorite scriptures on index cards and put them on my bathroom mirror. While I’m getting ready for work, I read the scriptures out loud. This part of my morning routine helps me to stay centered and focused on my purpose. You can do the same with quotes or positive affirmations you create. And, you can recite them first thing in the morning or throughout your day.
4 – Listen to uplifting music. While it’s tempting to listen to the radio on my way to work, most days I opt for uplifting music. Again, it’s much easier to stay in a positive mood if you start your day with positivity. If you have a hectic commute, listening to inspirational music might be what you need to deal with traffic and avoid road rage. Playing music with a positive message or something that feeds your spirit will help keep you calm and peaceful. One mom I know listens to classical music on her way to and from work. Whatever your preference, adding uplifting music to your morning routine can be helpful.
5 – Be thankful. If you’re like me, you’re probably moving quickly to get out of the door. But, adding gratitude to your morning routine is important. Taking a moment to think about what you’re thankful for can do wonders for the mind. It’s easy to focus on your tasks for the day, deadlines, and the dreaded meeting you have to attend. You can shift your focus if you concentrate on why you’re grateful, instead. It only takes a minute to give thanks for your job, your husband, your children, your health, your family, or your friends. Starting your day with an attitude of gratitude helps you to stay centered, Mom!
6 – Read a devotional or something encouraging. I get daily devotionals via email, and I try to read them before I get to work. One is specifically designed for the workplace (Today God Is First). The devotionals are free and usually have a positive message and an encouraging story. You can sign up to have quotes, affirmations, scriptures, or devotionals sent to your phone through email or text. I make reading the devotionals part of my morning routine because I often cover the positive affirmation and time to be thankful in one devotional. Since it’s on my phone, I can also access it throughout the day as a reminder.
7 – Eat a healthy breakfast. I know! It sounds like a no-brainer. But, in reality, it’s very easy to leave breakfast out of your morning routine as you’re rushing out the door. Even if you grab something to eat, it might not be healthy. Getting a healthy start is as important for you as it is for the kids. When you miss breakfast, you’re more likely to choose unhealthy snacks and meal options later in the day because you’re hungry. If you don’t have a lot of time, you can start the day right with grab and go items, like a green shake, protein shake, oatmeal, fruit, or egg muffins. To save time, blend your shakes and prep your food the night before.When healthy eating is part of your morning routine, it’s easier to choose healthy options throughout the day.
8 – Smile. You’ve probably said this to your own kid a thousand times. Smile! Do you need to take your own advice? Smiling is the easiest thing to add to your morning routine. And, it’s definitely the most underrated! While a smile costs you nothing, it adds incredible value to your day. You just feel better when you smile, even if you’re not feeling well. When you smile, you send the message that you’re friendly and open to others. In return, people are likely to be friendly and courteous to you. Add a smile to your face and see how your mornings change.
As a working mom, there’s a lot you deal with in a day. You can stay centered by creating the perfect morning routine to stay positive and continue to live your best life in balance!

Disclaimer: You should consult your physician or another health care professional before starting any fitness routine or making changes in your diet. I am not a doctor or medical expert. I am simply sharing my personal experience and knowledge as a mom. Any health, fitness, or nutritional information offered is designed for educational purposes only. Do not rely on this information as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While exercising, if you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath, you should stop exercising immediately and seek professional medical assistance.