How to stay fit during the holidays: Fitness tips for busy moms
Health & Wellness

How to Stay Fit During the Holidays

Office parties.  Family gatherings.  Cookies. Cakes. Cocktails.  As a working mom, who has the time or motivation to work out?  If you aren’t careful, the holiday season can leave you with extra pounds and little motivation to work it off.  Follow these five simple steps to stay fit during the holiday season:

1 – Go green.  I try to start my day with a green shake to get in as many veggies as possible. I like the NutriBullet Pro to make my green shakes.  Just add 2-3 cups of a leafy green (kale, spinach, swiss chard), Greek yogurt, and whatever fruit you like.  One of the most common shakes I make is spinach, Greek yogurt, pineapple, garlic, ground flax seed, and water. If you start your day green, you’re less likely to get off track later in the day.  You can also add a salad to your daily meal to get in extra veggies.  When you’re eating more sweets than usual, piling on the greens is a great way to stay balanced.

2 – Be prepared. The best way to make sure you stay on track is to prepare your healthy meals ahead of time.  If you prep your green shakes in advance, you can just grab them from the fridge and blend.  It also makes a convenient grab and go breakfast on your way to work.  I usually make 5-6 green shakes for the week.  If you don’t like green shakes, you can also make egg muffins or overnight oats.  The key is to start the day healthy and prepare in advance.  Not only does it save time, but you will always have a healthy alternative at your fingertips.

3 – Keep moving.  During the holidays, there are a lot of distractions.  As a working mom, when things get hectic, the first thing to sacrifice is exercise. While you might not make it to the gym, you can still get a workout.  Wake up 30 minutes earlier and do a workout video.  Try to get more steps in at work.  Instead of a sitting lunch, make a wrap or sandwich and get moving.  Walk the perimeter of your job or do the stairs.  You can even set a lunchtime goal.  For example, if you walk 2,000 steps during lunch, you would have walked about a mile.  If you walk 2,000 steps during lunch each day for five days, you would have walked about 5 miles during your lunch breaks alone!

Stay Fit During the Holidays

4 – Be selective.  If you’re going to have dessert or a cocktail, make it count!  Don’t waste your calories on something that’s just okay.  Try to do everything in moderation. I don’t believe in denying myself.  But, I’m selective about how I spend my calories.  I’m not going to waste my calories on powdered donuts from the gas station when I really want a slice of cheesecake. If you choose something you really want, you’re more likely to feel satisfied and less likely to overdo it.

5 – Drink up.  Water does a body good, especially if there’s alcohol involved.  With all the holiday celebrations, it’s easy to forget to hydrate.  The more water you drink, the better you’ll feel. It’s important to stay hydrated and flush out those holiday toxins.  If you want to stay energized and not feel sluggish, you need to load up on water.  Another great benefit of water is that it has zero calories.  If you’re feeling fancy, add some fruit or lemon to spruce up your water.  But, skip the soda and juice and have water with your meal. If you normally have a soda or juice, you’ll cut out an average of 48 grams of sugar by drinking water.  Those 48 grams = 12 teaspoons of sugar = a slice of cake.  I’d rather have the cake and drink the water!

The holidays only add to the hustle and bustle of your busy schedule.  Stay on track with your fitness goals by planning and being selective about your choices. You can stay fit during the holiday season and continue to live your best life in balance!

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5 simple ways to stay fit during the holiday season
5 simple steps for the working mom to stay fit during the holiday season


Asiah is a married, working mom with two kids and a dog. She has a professional background in law and education. Asiah is also an inspirational speaker and author of four books. Her interests include fitness, travel, and true crime stories.

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