How to Reduce Stress: 10 simple tips to help working moms reduce stress and achieve a healthy work-life balance

How to Reduce Stress: 10 Tips for Working Moms

How to reduce stress as a working mom and live a healthy work-life balance
How to reduce stress as a working mom and live a healthy work-life balance

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Hey working mom – with work, kids, hubby, and the dog to think about, it’s no wonder you need to reduce stress!  There’s no secret to stressing less.  But, you must be willing to make yourself a priority.  Here are 10 tips to help you reduce stress and enjoy your life:

1 – Exercise more.  I know it sounds counterproductive, but it works.  When you exercise you release endorphins, also know as “feel good hormones.” Those endorphins are responsible for helping to lift your mood and producing a calming effect overall.  For me, exercise has become my go-to for reducing stress.  If I want to reduce stress, I hit the pavement running, pop in a dance video, or lift some weights to sweat it out.  Trust – after a good sweat session, whatever you were stressed about is a distant memory.

 2 – Meditate.  No, you don’t have to sit for hours or chant if you don’t want to!  You can start by finding a comfortable, preferably, quiet space to sit or lie down.  My kids-free zone and go-to space is my closet.  Close your eyes and focus your attention on your breathing.  Try to focus on the process of inhaling and exhaling. You only need to do it for a few minutes to feel more relaxed.  The more you do it, the longer you’ll be able to focus.  To reduce stress, just take a few minutes to meditate before entering a stressful situation.

3 – LOL.  You can reduce stress by making a conscious decision to laugh out loud every day.  We all have that girlfriend that makes us laugh harder than any comedian ever could.  Keep her number on speed dial.  On your list of things to do, you need to have laughter at the top of the list.  Whether it’s my kids being naturally silly or a punch-line in my favorite sitcom, I get a daily dose of laughter.  I believe it when the Bible says, “laughter is good medicine.”  The more you laugh, the easier it is to let go of the stresses of the day.

4 – Journal your thoughts.  There are some things you will write on paper that you’ll never say out loud.  Because of that, journaling your thoughts is a great way to reduce stress.  You can journal in a notebook or you can get a guided journal.  If you’re stressed or worried about a problem, writing your thoughts allows you to process what you’re feeling.  There’s no right or wrong way to journal.  I just write like I’m writing a letter to myself or to God. 

5 – Make a to-do list. Ever lay in bed thinking about all you need to do at work the next day? Just knowing you have so much to get done between work and family can leave you feeling stressed.  Learn to reduce stress by making a list of what you need to do.  Before I leave work, I write my to-do list for the next day and post it.  Not only does it help me stay organized, but it keeps me from thinking about the job when I’m with my family.  Likewise, if you make a list before you go to sleep, you’re less likely to feel stressed about all you need to get done.  The real way to reduce stress – cross each task off the list once it’s done!

6 – Unplug.  Yeah, social media is great. But, it can be information overload.  And, once you get sucked in, you can waste more time than you expected.  Doesn’t it seem like everyone is living it up and having a ball? If you’re not careful, you can compare someone’s Instagram story with your real life.  So, just unplug for a while. Reduce stress by having a cut off time for your electronic devices. There are times when we turn off all electronics, including television, to just connect as a family.  Taking a break to unplug can be a great stress-reliever.

7 – Take a warm bath or shower.  I love a bubble bath!  You can easily reduce stress by taking a relaxing bath or shower. After a tough day at work and an hour of homework with my son, my favorite thing to do is light some candles and run a bubble bath.  Having a few minutes to myself in a tranquil setting is a great way to reduce stress.  Water has a calming effect.  So, if you’re not into bubble baths, you can still take a relaxing shower to help you get centered.  You can even elevate your experience by using scented candles and your favorite shower gel.

8 – Do something mindless. My guilty pleasure is watching drama-filled reality shows.  Since I try to stay drama free, watching someone else’s drama is a great stress reliever for me.  Whether it’s a game on your phone or catching up with the latest celebrity gossip, it’s good to have some mindless entertainment.  My job requires a lot of mental energy and it often leaves me mentally drained.  When I need to recharge, I try to do things that don’t require a lot of thought.  If you want to reduce stress, incorporate some mindless entertainment into weekly your routine.  

9 – Read for leisure.  Between reading for work and reading with my kids, I rarely have time to curl up with a good book.  But, when I do, it’s one of my favorite things! Reading for leisure is a great way to reduce stress.  When you read for pleasure, it allows you to escape what’s going on in your everyday life temporarily.  If I’m reading a James Patterson novel, I’m not thinking about my job or my bills because I’m too busy trying to figure out who did it and why.

 10 – Nurture your soul.  As a working mom, it’s easy to worry about the health and well-being of everyone else.  It can be easy to forget to nurture yourself.  You can reduce stress by paying attention to what you need.  Make sure you are surrounding yourself with positivity.  Be aware of negative energy and avoid negativity.  If you have a co-worker who complains all the time, that’s probably not the person to have lunch with every day.  Every morning, I try to start my day by listening to a positive message or reading scripture or a daily devotional. Starting my day on a positive note, helps me to stay centered and keeps me from getting stressed over simple things.

You can easily reduce stress by making simple changes to your daily routine.  Follow these ten tips to stress less and continue to live your best life in balance.

How to Reduce Stress: 10 tips for busy moms who need to simplify their lives and create a healthy work-life balance

Disclaimer: You should consult your physician or another health care professional before starting any fitness routine or making changes in your diet. Any health, fitness, or nutritional information offered is designed for educational purposes only.  Do not rely on this information as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While exercising, if you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath, you should stop exercising immediately and seek professional medical assistance.


Asiah is a married, working mom with two kids and a dog. She has a professional background in law and education. Asiah is also an inspirational speaker and author of four books. Her interests include fitness, travel, and true crime stories.

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