How to make time for exercise: 10 simple fitness tips for working moms
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How to Make Time for Exercise: 10 Fitness Tips for Working Moms

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As a working mom, you’re super busy and need to make time to exercise. But, how can you?  Well, it’s easier than you think.  Make time for exercise with 10 simple changes to your regular routine.

1 – Invest in exercise videos.  As a working mom, you probably don’t have time to get to the gym every day. And, sometimes, weather won’t allow you to exercise outside.  Investing in exercise videos gives you the flexibility of a structured workout from home.  You can make time for exercise based on your schedule and you always have the option at your fingertips.  Plus, there are so many to choose from.  If you’re not sure where to start, I like Shaun T’s Beach Body dance videos and Rockin’ Body because they keep me entertained while getting a good workout.  You can also try yoga, Pilates, or other videos.

You’re super busy and need to make time to exercise. But, how can you?  Well, it’s easier than you think.  Make time for exercise with 10 simple changes to your regular routine.

2 – Invest in one cardio machine.  If you hate the treadmill or elliptical, skip this one and move to #3.  But, if you can tolerate either, it’s a good investment and a great backup if getting out of the house to exercise is a challenge.  I got an elliptical machine after I had my first son.  Getting to the gym or outside wasn’t always an option and I needed variety.  Having the elliptical machine downstairs gave me the option to get a good 20-30 minute workout on a regular basis.  You can get inexpensive cardio equipment brand new.  Another great option – try garage sales or online sellers like eBay, letgo, or OfferUp.

3 – Workout while cooking.  You can make time for exercise if you plan it right.  I don’t fry anything because it’s time consuming and I’m not great at it.  On average, it takes me 30 minutes to bake most dishes.  While the food is in the oven, I can pop in a video or jump on the elliptical.  If you know you’re making lasagna, put your workout gear on prior to cooking and have your video ready or workout planned.  As soon as you put the lasagna in the oven, get to work!

4 – Exercise while the kids sleep.  I know! When they’re asleep, it’s the perfect time to get something else done. Or, you’re so exhausted, you want to go to sleep, too!  But, if you can make time to exercise while the kids sleep once or twice a week, you’ll feel great.  You may have to wake up 20-30 minutes earlier once or twice a week to exercise before the kids wake up.  If you have an infant, have your video ready to push play or have your equipment out.  As soon as baby goes down, hope to it.  Even if you only get 20 minutes in, it’s worth it!

5 – Make the kids part of your routine.  Your time to exercise can double as family time, if necessary.  When I try to exercise at home, my oldest son and the dog always find a way to interrupt. So, I learned to work around them.  If it’s a video, I let my oldest son join in until he gets bored.  With my infant son, I often wear the Ergo Baby carrier while moving around the house and walking around the subdivision.  I definitely count it as a workout because of the extra weight!

10 Ways to Make Time for Exercise: Fitness Tips for Busy Moms
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6 – Wear workout gear to bed.  This is an excellent motivation to help you make time for exercise! If you’re prepared in the morning when you wake up, you’re more likely to exercise.  Sometimes, getting dressed is the biggest challenge. Just make sure you get cute workout gear that fits.  I used to workout in whatever was lying around.  But, baggy, ratty t-shirts won’t keep you motivated for long!  You’ll be much more inspired to exercise if you feel cute or like what you’re wearing.  When you can see your body, you can focus on your target areas.

7 – Get out and walk.  If walking is the only way for you to make time for exercise, do it! Taking a daily walk is a great way to increase steps and reach 10,000 steps daily.  Use a fitness tracker to help you keep up with your steps.  You can walk every evening as a family.  It’s no cost and easy to incorporate into your daily routine (depending on the weather). Plus, it’s a great stress reliever. 

8 – Lift weights.  Did you know you can make time to exercise while watching your favorite show or during the commercials? Get some 3 – 5 lbs. weights and a kettle ball to take your exercise up a notch.  Some exercise videos incorporate light weights into the routine.  If you’re not familiar, you an easily find DIY exercises online. Lifting weights can help increase your metabolism, can help you build muscle, and helps to burn more calories and fat.

9 – Join a low-cost gym. If you can afford to pay $10/month, several gyms like Planet Fitness and YouFit offer affordable memberships at a low cost.  If your schedule allows you to make time for exercise in the morning, go before work. I strive to make it to the gym twice a week and I usually go immediately after work and before I pick my son up from aftercare.  I stay about 30-45 minutes and I keep my exercise clothes in the car. When I can’t make it during the week, I get help from my husband and I go for at least an hour on the weekend. If you only make it to the gym once a week, that’s still four times a month – for only $10!

10 – Be intentional. As a working mom, time is limited, so preparation is everything.  At the start of the week, put your workout gear together and pack a gym bag for the car. Also, layout one or two exercise outfits for your in-home workouts just like you would prepare your outfits for work.  Be sure to include any other exercise gear you need, such as gloves for weights and ear buds, if listening to music keeps you inspired.  If you’re going to use an exercise video or cardio equipment, pull it out the night before.  Set your goal ahead of time and set a timer in your phone as a reminder.  If you’re going to the gym, have a plan before you go.  If I only have 30 minutes, I might do 10 minutes on the Stairmaster, 10-minute sprints on the treadmill, and 10-15 minutes lifting weights on legs and abs.  When you walk in, you want to be intentional about the time you make to exercise.

Life is busy. But, you can make time for exercise by making these small changes to your regular routine.  Doing so will help you maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle and continue to live your best life in balance!

Disclaimer: You should consult your physician or another health care professional before starting any fitness routine or making changes in your diet. Any health, fitness, or nutritional information offered is designed for educational purposes only.  Do not rely on this information as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While exercising, if you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath, you should stop exercising immediately and seek professional medical assistance.

How to Make Time for Exercise: 10 Fitness Tips for Busy Moms


Asiah is a married, working mom with two kids and a dog. She has a professional background in law and education. Asiah is also an inspirational speaker and author of four books. Her interests include fitness, travel, and true crime stories.

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